Fender Premium Celluloid - Medium Reviews 3

These are the Blue MOTO medium celluloid picks, very attractive in color and standard medium Fender rigidity. I play guitar, and have for over 20 years.

I purchased these online from American Musical Supply as my son kept losing my other standard issue (brown) Fender medium picks. I chose blue for the helluvit. I think they were like $4 for about a dozen.


I like the color and I like the standard Fender medium thickness. These picks play true to what I've always been accustomed to, so it's like playing with an old friend. The blue celluloid is attractive and something different over the standard Fender browns.

Pricey. Four bucks for a dozen picks is nuts, but they are what they are and I like them so I guess they were worth it to me.

First rate, you could probably pick a lock with these things. I've never seen one damaged, but then again I've never tried.

Overall, a little expensive, but classic Fender feel and thickness are worth it to me. It's a quality pick that keeps coming back time after time - unless you lose them, which inevitably will happen with these as well.

Chris rated this unit 3 on 2010-10-16.

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